Subject: Call for Papers: OpenWeekend 2003 (Mar 15-16, Prague, Czech Republic)
To: None <>
From: Lubomir Sedlacik <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 01/10/2003 04:13:59
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"OpenWeekend is an annual conference with focus on open source
technologies.  it's ogranized by Student's Union at CVUT (Czech
University of Technology) in Prague.  it's aim is to educate especially
academic community, publish lectures in text and video formats."
                      (loosely translated from web page)

the highlight of the last year's OW was panel discussion with developers
(and authors) of various Linux security frameworks: LIDS, RSBAC and
Medusa DS9.

this year's conference will be third in a row, offering talks about
interesting topics on levels varying from basic introductions to
in-depth sofisticated presentations and lectures.

topics for OW2003 are:

    * Intrusion detection systems
    * IPv6 and future of IPv4
    * SSL/TLS (Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security)
    * Development branch of the Linux kernel 2.5.x
    * Kernel hacking
    * Embedded Linux
    * Interesting programming languages
    * XML (eXtensive Markup Language) and future of WWW
    * OpenSource in government
    * and more..

you can check already submitted abstracts at:

    speakers: David Sugar (FSF) - IP telephony and GNU Bayonne
              Vlastimil Klima, Tomas Rosa (ICZ) - SSL/TLS attacks,
              and more..

i think that lecture about NetBSD's embedded capabilities and/or IPv6
implementation (or any other interesting technical topics, which could
attract people to NetBSD, e.g. binary compatibility layer, pmap, ...)
would fit perfectly and can help NetBSD spread in Central Europe.

technical info:

- languages: czech (or slovak) or english
- accomodation: for non-Prague speakers
- deadline for papers: Jan 15

if you are interested and want some more information, visit web site (czech only) or contact OW staff at or me directly.

in case you are convinced already, send your name, name and short
abstract of your presentation to

i am sure i forgot something so feel free to ask.


-- Lubomir Sedlacik <>                   --
--                  <>                   --

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