Subject: Re: Web image.
To: Richard Rauch <>
From: Andy R <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 05/02/2002 06:20:43
--- Richard Rauch <> wrote:
> A ways back there was some talk about a new image
> for the NetBSD main
> web-page. Some ideas (and images) were batted
> around. Since I still
> prefer the old image to the ones I've seen offered,
> and some seemed ready
> to throw the old image out for *anything* else, I've
> given thought to what
> I think would do as a replacement. Since I'm not
> making any headway on
> constructing the image, I thought that I'd share a
> description of it.
> Who knows, maybe the idea will appeal to someone
> with the time & ability
> to execute it.
> The idea is to have a daemon sitting on a rock at C
> (err, sea; sorry).
> Could be morning, could be afternoon. The fork, of
> course, is resting
> close at hand, but the daemon is presently occupied
> with a net. The links
> between the nodes in the net could have a soft,
> electric blue color.
> There might be another daemon or two helping out (3
> is always a good
> number).
> The ``logo version'' of the image would be just an
> abstraction of the net
> (the same outline, but perhaps fewer nodes/strands
> and little/no color).
> There's some more (and maybe less) obvious symbolism
> in the above
> description. Some (sea/C) are just bad puns, but
> then what was the daemon
> and the fork (and the pipes in the legendary Foglio
> image) in the first
> place? Color would work well (I know people like
> color). And it
> parallels no image that I know of, nor suggests any
> historical event, so
> it should be free from the kind of offence (or
> ``impropriety'' as one
> would have it) that the old image has been
> associated with. At the same
> time, the ``warm fuzzy'' feel of the image in my
> head is nice.
> (Hm. It just hit me that there *is* one possible
> negative interpretation
> of the above, but it was not intended in the
> concept. I suspect that only
> someone looking for a reason to object to the image
> would see it.)
> I will say of the net: In my mind it reflects not
> only the Internet,
> honored in the name ``NetBSD'', but also the
> processes running within a
> computer, talking to one another, as well as the
> people communicating and
> working together. In no case, perhaps, achieving
> perfect reflection (and
> such reflection not being visible in a few pixels
> anyway), but
> conceptually, ideally, there.
> What about NetBSD's portability? Two possible
> answers. One is that the
> ``rock'' could be a pile of various computers (and
> the daemons might be
> carrying hand-helds). The other answer is that the
> right-most column of
> the main web-page speaks even more, perhaps, than
> the gathering of
> computers in the present image.
> I don't know where (or if) the word ``NetBSD'' fits
> into this picture,
> though. (Maybe it's in the net?) (^&
> Anyway, I thought that I'd offer up the idea, in the
> hopes that someone
> would like it enough to run with it---if there is
> ever a firm decision to
> retire the present image.
> (Did I mention that the daemon's name is probably
> Ed? (duck))
One of the ideas I had is very similar to this, but
it's the Daemon standing on the net, which is
connecting planets together. The use of NetBSD on
different planets being a reference to portability and
a tip of the hat to the Nasa satellite project:
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