Subject: Re: Any takers for CDE lookalike XFCE
To: None <>
From: Jan Schaumann <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 02/22/2002 21:01:17
Ram Chandar <> wrote:
> BTW is there a MacOS or OS X lookalike window
> manager or DE?
Just the other day I created a Desktop for my g/f, who's a Mac-Head.
Look at
It's GNOME with the panel adjusted to look Mac OS X'ish. I didn't
install any of the Aqua-lookalike themes (which are still out there,
despite Apple's best efforts to sue everybody who uses the colors red,
yellow, green and blue), but if you used one of them, it would sure look
and feel a lot like OS X (not that I've used Mac OS X enough to comment
on the _feel_ of it).
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