Subject: Re: Any takers for CDE lookalike XFCE
To: Ram Chandar <>
From: Andy R <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 02/22/2002 15:08:18
--- Ram Chandar <> wrote:
> Does anybody think XFCE is a contender
> for the Desktop with its lean and mean
> memory foot print? (
> BTW is there a MacOS or OS X lookalike window
> manager or DE?
> Ram Chandar. 

I like XFCE quite well. When I need a minimal desktop,
that's the one I use (otherwise I use KDE). I believe
it's not the smallest of desktops available, but it is
small. Icewm is probably smaller. And I like another
one called sapphire that's small (and I haven't tried
it in over a year so maybe it's dead by now...).

What I really like about XFCE are the parallelisms
with commercial OSes. They all come with CDE right? So
fire up NetBSD with a minimally configured XFCE to
look a lot like CDE. Whamo, you have commercial Unix
people feeling at least a little comfortable right
away, and that MAY make NetBSD feel more like a
commercial OS (with all the good and bad that comes
with that). I kinda like that idea.


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