Subject: Re: Look and feel
To: <>
From: David Laight <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 02/22/2002 17:35:53
On Fri, Feb 22, 2002 at 08:27:31AM -0800, Jeremy C. Reed wrote:
> >
> > Mr Average is probably better off using mozilla mail
> > - which does its own POP / smpt.
> Does Mozilla mail handle queueing (in a normal way where it retries every
> so often, maybe send status messages, and bounce or kill non-deliveries
> after a set amount of days)?

No - but neither do any M$ MUA.
I think it is configured to send mail via your ISP (as netscape
certainly does), so provided the link is up (and your ISP isn't
stuffed :-) everything works.

> Anyways, a smtp-out tool is needed to send out normal system mail. A few
> tools are sending out mail;

These all want delivering locally....

> plus the user may send mail from some usenet
> reader or some other application.

Check - but I suspect they tend to send out the mail themselves.
If you are behind a firewall and need to masquerade all you address
stuff this gets tricky(ish) to set up.

> [1] I've been using a 13,000-byte (today stripped), BSD-licensed,
> sendmail-replacement for almost 16 months now. I need to clean up a few
> things, finish the queuing, and make it available.

Certainly if all mail is sent by smtp, all addresses are in the
'standard' form, and you don't want relaying, then a much simpler
mailer will do nicely.....


David Laight: