Subject: Re: Home Page Logo
To: None <>
From: Lubomir Sedlacik <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 02/22/2002 05:26:50
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On Thu, Feb 21, 2002 at 11:06:33PM -0500, Jan Schaumann wrote:
> Well, I'm not too big a fan of the logo either, so I attempted to
> create an image without actually having to be artistically inclined
> (read "cut'n'paste"). Dunno about the result, but maybe the idea can
> get somebody who actually knows what they're doing with the Gimp to
> create a logo?
> I took most of the pictures of the Ports and a few daemons:
> Should somebody be interested, I also have the transparent, layered
> gimp-file...
pardon me, but if someone skilled will bring this into his hands the
result will be the *current* logo. with few more colors. that's all.
and the current one has an idea behind, this looks like just a chaotic
mass to me.
the thing i would like to see is whether the author of the current logo
could add few colors to the image. that would be perfect. i assume he
(or someone else, per chance) has this image in vectors as well so it
will be very easy task.
of course i may be completely blind and don't know what i am talking
about, so i am sorry.
-- Lubomir Sedlacik <> ASCII Ribbon campaign against /"\=
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