Subject: Re: NetBSD/xxx Vs. NetBSD/yyy
To: Ram Chandar <>
From: Andy R <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 02/21/2002 11:15:04
--- Ram Chandar <> wrote:
> NetBSD runs on many platforms and as such
> NetBSD vetarans are well familiar with the
> pros and cons of each platform.
> I wonder whether there is a page that details
> this info so users can get help as to decide
> what platform is best suited for their purpose.
> Ram Chandar
See, this is a tough one. The whole point of NetBSD's
portability to me is that obsolete or hardare just
sitting around can now be used. I daydream of the day
that Dreamcasts cost $10 on Ebay and people can use
them for compile farms or whatever, or just plain a
cheap "PC" to hook up to the TV for people that don't
have the means to buy a "real" computer. And the same
goes for the rest.
Now, if the question is "What platform do I buy to get
the best price/performance/reliability?" The answer is
almost always Alpha (as far as I'm concerned).
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