Subject: Re: Home Page Logo
To: Ram Chandar <>
From: sudog <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 02/21/2002 10:13:15
On Thursday 21 February 2002 09:55, Ram Chandar wrote:
> Anybody coming at is
> likely to be driven away by the very unfriendly
> looking logo at the front page. 
> I firmly belive that it should get artistic 
> attention to have color, look less chaotic
> and more friendly.
> Ram Chandar

I love the Logo. The first time I saw it I was immediately attracted to 
the struggle and hardship reminiscent of that famous American army 
sculpture that it was based on. I don't even know what the sculpture was 

Seems to me a military analogy is apt: divide and conquer! Attack their 
flanks! We divide into myriad ports, and conquer other UNIXen flanks!


I even made a nice little set of NetBSD-girls I was so impressed. Just for 

Mmm..  Tyra Banks with a NetBSD tattoo.. what better combination? Sure, 
one of them is a work-in-progress. So what? :)
