Subject: Re: BSD converts (was Re: Gartner perspective on BSD)
To: None <>
From: Daniel de Kok <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 02/17/2002 12:29:11
On Sat, Feb 16, 2002 at 01:03:01PM +0530, Ram Chandar wrote:
> > this is netbsd-ADVOCACY -- I think some hatred and flamewars are to be
> Exactly and NOT Linux-HATERS-HANGOUT.
> I'm totally against making this a Linux hatred list just as opposed
> to various Linux lists are converted to Windows-Hatred lists.
> As for dismissing me as a BSD Convert, I take it as your flamewar strategy.
> BTW I believe hatred and flamewars are not productive. Experienced
> users should spare some time to write about their NetBSD success
> stories.
And experienced users would know NetBSD is not the ultimate solution
everywhere. I primarily use NetBSD and try to advise NetBSD to other
people, but in some situations an expert distro, like Slackware, is
a better solution. It is all about choosing the right tool for every
specific problem.
With kind regards,
Daniel de Kok