Subject: Re: Gartner perspective on BSD
To: Ram Chandar <>
From: Wes Peters <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 02/15/2002 15:04:38
Ram Chandar wrote:
> Hi all,
> I think Linux Hatred on this list out of place.
> For a Linux user moving to BSD is just like buying
> better, more comfortable underwear.
> I have to admit that I came to know about BSDs from
> the FreeBSD+Linux HowTo at and my move
> from RedHat to NetBSD was much smoother than I
> expected. I felt very familar with NetBSD, as it
> is more like the UNIX I have read in UNIX related books.

Congratulations, you've hit on an important truth here.  I use OpenBSD
and FreeBSD on a daily basis, and yet consider NetBSD to be the most
"unix-y" operating system, truer to "the unix way" than any other.  I
am quite pleased to see FreeBSD adopt important bits of NetBSD
technology like the new rc system, a truly unix solution to a tough
problem often made much harder by programmers who didn't take the 
time to fully understand the problem before coding (non-)solutions.

The unix way: find the true nature of the problem and make the machine
do the work.  Do it in a way that maximizes the use of existing tools.
Write simple tools that perform one job well, glue these tools
together with scripts that accomplish the larger task.  A perfect
description of the rc system, and NetBSD in general.

As a NetBSD pundit once said, the goal is correct code, the outcome is 

                                 Boats love me
                                 Sails fear me
Wes Peters <>                                     System Architect                                                DoBox Inc.