Subject: Re: *BSD Counter Project
To: Josef Grosch <>
From: Todd Vierling <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 07/04/2001 18:23:05
On Wed, 4 Jul 2001, Josef Grosch wrote:

: > I read the FAQ. It explains "why" but it doesn't explain the reasons
: > for not starting all the counters at zero.
: >
: > A child could see that your data is hopelessly skewed.
: I did start the counters at zero.

I think what you missed from Bob's comment is that you did not start all
counters at zero simultaneously when you announced the new "*BSD Counter"
page.  In particular, your FAQ mentions:

  * What do I do with my old FreeBSD Counter registration?

    Most of the records from the old FreeBSD Counter have been transfered
    over to this new site.

This FAQ entry very clearly states that your figures are skewed to the
FreeBSD-only counts that were on the previous FreeBSD Counter.  You said it
yourself.  8-)

The only way to make your site have a reasonable comparison count is to
start over at zero for all platforms simultaneously, and that includes
FreeBSD.  Yes, this means that FreeBSD users must register again, from
scratch.  Otherwise, it's *not useful* as a basis of installed-base

-- Todd Vierling <>  *  Wasabi NetBSD:  Run with it.
-- NetBSD 1.5 now available on CD-ROM  --