Subject: Re: Comdex post-mortem
To: Charles M. Hannum <>
From: Perry E. Metzger <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 04/08/2001 18:06:38
"Charles M. Hannum" <> writes:
> On Sun, Apr 08, 2001 at 03:45:54PM -0500, Kevin P. Neal wrote:
> >
> > Say, that reminds me...
> >
> > What are the chances of having TNF NetBSD cd's actually ready to ship
> > when the next NetBSD release is announced?
> >
> > When 1.5 came out, DaemonNews Mall had Wasabi NetBSD ready to ship
> > that day (when I called to order), but TNF issue cd's weren't available
> > yet.
> This is because Wasabi controlled the release, effectively, and sent
> their CD premasters out before the rest of the world (even me!) knew
> that the release was ready. If I hadn't pushed out a release
> announcement, they probably would have actually been *shipping* discs
> before the release was announced.
> See `conflict of interest'.
So lets see.
You sent out the release announcement. But you weren't sure the
release was ready. So you couldn't do disks.
If you're going to go around libeling people, you at least need to
have a consistent story.
BTW, there are no TNF issue CDs. That is to say, there are CDs that
Charles does, but the money from those goes to Charles (which he
presumably spends on The NetBSD Mission), they aren't "official" TNF
Perry E. Metzger
Quality NetBSD CDs, Support & Service.