Subject: Re: Why did NetBSD and FreeBSD diverge?
To: Brett Glass <>
From: John Baldwin <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 01/19/2001 08:30:14
On 19-Jan-01 Brett Glass wrote:
> At 01:29 AM 1/19/2001, John Baldwin wrote:
>>Actually, that is because many people have noticed that you tend to say the
>>same thing over and over, and since they don't agree with you, they'd just as
>>soon not see the same thing that they disagree with over and over.  
> Actually, many things are said over and over on these lists (for better or
> for
> worse). And certainly not just by Yours Truly. I think that your latter point
> is closer to the mark; there's a fraternity-like culture which includes
> elements
> of hazing, ganging up, pecking orders, and ego. I don't see these things as
> having a place in a collaborative software development effort, and think that
> they've prevented FreeBSD from being as effective as it could be.

You missed my point that this isn't FreeBSD specific however.  People are
inherently selfish and are always going to act in a manner that serves their
self interest.  The fact that people will thus be drawn towards people with
similar views, etc. should not come as a surprise.  As has also been noted in
this thread, not everyone has the same exact views, but different people react
differently to differing views.  The fact is that you appear at least to be
rather stubborn in your views, which is not necessarily a bad thing.  However,
it does have the effect of wearing down the patience of those people who
disagree with you.

Also, you missed that I countered that there isn't "hazing" as it were.  To say
that the fact that people are given commit bits because they work on stuff that
is stored in the repository is akin to saying that a company "hazes" because it
doesn't hire music majors for engineering jobs.  Such a claim would be

> --Brett


John Baldwin <> --
PGP Key:
"Power Users Use the Power to Serve!"  -