Subject: Re: Why did NetBSD and FreeBSD diverge?
To: Nik Clayton <>
From: Brad Knowles <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 01/19/2001 17:21:48
At 3:31 PM +0000 2001/1/19, Nik Clayton wrote:

>  Manifestly not true.  Write new documentation or help improve existing
>  documentation.

	While it may not be true in theory, in practice I saw quite a bit 
of the "if you can't write code then you're useless" attitude.

>  That's probably the fastest track to getting a commit bit as well.

	At this stage, in part because of the "hazing" I previously 
experienced, I am no longer subscribed to any of the FreeBSD mailing 
lists (other than -chat), and I am no longer particularly interested 
in getting a commit bit.  I have neither the time nor the inclination 
to go through that process at the moment.

>  Having been at both BSD conventions, Usenix, and a number of other
>  conferences, and having met most or all of the committer base at some
>  point or another, I have yet to meet a committer that considers the
>  documentation team to be n-class citizens.

	Maybe the committers don't feel this way, or at least they say 
that they don't feel this way.  However, assuming that this is true, 
there are still plenty of other people involved in the project (and 
on the mailing lists) other than the committers.

	I can say that the last time I looked around, there were still a 
lot of people on the lists saying "Use the Source, Luke!" and 
expecting people to at least be able to read code before being 
considered to be useful, or otherwise being treated as 2nd or 3rd 
class citizens.

	Maybe these people aren't committers, but it doesn't take being a 
committer to engage in the act of "hazing".

   These are my opinions -- not to be taken as official Skynet policy
Brad Knowles, <>