Subject: Re: Nice to see NetBSD mentioned. However... (fwd)
To: ali (Anders Lindgren) <>
From: Perry E. Metzger <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 01/07/2001 10:58:36
"ali (Anders Lindgren)" <> writes:
>  o No official commercial support: If you'd care to check, you'd
>    notice there's a list of companies supporting NetBSD on the
>    NetBSD homepage, such as consultants. It's admittedly not very
>    impressive, but it's as incomplete as it is short. If you meant

Wasabi Systems would like to point out that we offer commercial
support contracts, and we think we're a fairly impressive company, if
not a huge one.


Perry E. Metzger
Quality NetBSD CDs, Support & Service.