Subject: Re: 1GHz MIPS CPU running NetBSD
To: Andrew Brown <>
From: Kevin P. Neal <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 10/13/2000 13:06:52
On Fri, Oct 13, 2000 at 10:32:38AM -0400, Andrew Brown wrote:
> >I'm not convinced that I see benefits of having NetBSD(r).
> >(Not that I'm against someone registering it, just don't see why)
> the paranoid side of me says someone should, just so that no one nasty
> can later.

Didn't Linus register Linux(r) because some jerk tried to take it from

If NetBSD(r) was registered then who would go after organizations that
didn't respect the trademark? If I recall correctly, not protecting
a trademark means you can lose it in court.
Kevin P. Neal                      
           On the community of supercomputer fans:
"But what we lack in size we make up for in eccentricity." 
  from Steve Gombosi, comp.sys.super, 31 Jul 2000 11:22:43 -0600