Subject: Re: shirts? stickers? posters? (fwd)
To: Reed Shadgett <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 06/08/2000 01:29:20
On Wed, 7 Jun 2000, Reed Shadgett wrote:
> I would love to be able to go into work wearing a NetBSD polo (no t-shirts
> at work).  Is there any interest in this?  Also posters and other such
> things would be nice to have around.

I'd definitely be interrested. The big question is the artwork.
So far we have a bunch of brilliant hackers, but 0 gfx magicians... 
(feel free to correct me if i'm wrong!)

 - Hubert

NetBSD - because Unix isn't just #include <linux.h>, i386, ILP32, ELF, ...!