Subject: Chicago Comdex
To: Freebsd-Chat <>
From: Chris Silva <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 04/18/2000 20:55:23
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Well, today was the 1st day I went... Lot's of humans (I suspect cuz
Uncle Bill) was there making yack-yack.
Anyways, I stayed mainly near the *BSD booths. The FBSD and BSDi
booths were cranking. The NBSD (at the time I was there, was manned by
a lone Netter. While FBSD and BSDi were giving away the latest OS,
NetBSD was selling the 1.4.2.
The thing I thought was cool at the NBSD boot, was there was a hacked
I-Opener sporting NBSD. There was also a pretty cool device at the
BSDi booth that was making cards. These puppies looked like Pokee-man
cards (sp).
The FBSD boot had all the wares that Walnut Creek was selling - FBSD
and BSDi were really prepared (I thought). Oh yeah, DeamonNews was
there also (Had to nab me a shirt).
Overall, It seemed to be a good time, but I had but a short time to be
there, so I jetted to where I wanted to be.
I met Jim Mock today also, nabbed a few pics, and swiped a few Linux
ROMs (for the helluvit).
I plan and spending much more time there on Thursday (maybe I can
convince NBSD to slip me a free rom) and I'll post all my pics on my
website when I'm (Thursday eve).
It's unfortunate I won't be able to be at the BOF meeting Wednesday
eve. I was a bit disappointed that I didn't catch Jordan there -
although, it's rumored he may stop by Wednesday or Thursday...
That's about it...
Best regards,
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