Subject: Re: Unix Certification
To: fission <>
From: Nathan J. Williams <nathanw@MIT.EDU>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 03/20/2000 11:14:57
<> (fission) writes:

> In any case, I got to wondering, "why isn't NetBSD a Unix?"  It certainly
> seems to be a lot more Unix-like than Linux and even some of the other
> real Unix systems I've used.  Has anyone ever looked into obtaining
> certification?  What would be involved?

Peter Seebach points out that the spec for certification may include
lots of old syscalls we are interested in emulating or implementing.

I suspect strongly that testing for certification also costs money
(having been involved with some other corporate certification/branding
programs), and probably more money for each new version one wants
certified. So even if we did come near the official spec for
certification, NetBSD and the people who work on it probably feel that
they have better things to do with their money.

        - Nathan