Subject: Re: Walnut Creek and BSDI merged
To: Peter Seebach <>
From: John Nemeth <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 03/11/2000 19:18:41
On Jul 31,  8:39pm, Peter Seebach wrote:
} In message <>, Greywolf w
} rites:
} >I think, this time, the worry isn't so much that we are verbally "excluded"
} >per se as much as the letters BSD might be denied our use.
} I'm pretty sure they won't, and honestly, I wouldn't give the company a
} snowball's chance in hell of winning a hypothetical trademark suit.

     I rather doubt that TNF of Theo have the money to fight a court
battle; therefore, BSDI doesn't need to win a suit, they merely need to
threaten.  Legal bullying is a common tactic.

     In any event, the press release simply said that BSD is a
registered trademark.  It didn't say who owned it.  My guess would be

}-- End of excerpt from Peter Seebach