Subject: Re: Walnut Creek and BSDI merged
To: None <>
From: Peter Seebach <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 03/11/2000 02:04:05
In message <>, Greywolf w
>I think, this time, the worry isn't so much that we are verbally "excluded"
>per se as much as the letters BSD might be denied our use.
I'm pretty sure they won't, and honestly, I wouldn't give the company a
snowball's chance in hell of winning a hypothetical trademark suit.
>...but I will confess that it bugs me a bit that we (OpenBSD/NetBSD) are
>looked on as the bastards of the community when BSD, Inc. doesn't support
>half the platforms we do.
>I also have to wonder: How did we miss out on this opportunity?
I think mostly marketshare and revenue. That said, I'd expect that, if the
NetBSD folks *WANTED* to get in on the "merged system" idea, there'd be happy
feelings all around... I think the idea was to *start* by merging two systems
that were known to have a minimal degree of "but they were rude to us four
years ago". :)