Subject: Re: we're almost as good as SuSE
To: Julian Assange <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 12/13/1999 19:19:18
On 14 Dec 1999, Julian Assange wrote:
> What's this `almost as good', rubbish?

From a technical point, definitely.
From a marketing point, no.

Given that *we* know we're good doesn't help us survive. Open your eyes
and see what people think - I've had several incidents this week where
there was some discussion going on, and they mention Linux (or course),
maybe FreeBSD and OpenBSD but now us. Now do you thing we shouldn't try to
put some effort into getting back(!) at least a bit of publicity?

I sure would (still...) like to put up some banner adds like the one I saw
for SuSE, but response for such a request here was almost (hi Ethan! :)
zero. Disappointing...

 - Hubert

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