Subject: Re: Which OS would YOU choose?
To: <>
From: David Brownlee <abs@NetBSD.ORG>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 12/09/1999 10:48:17
We appear to have two groups:
a) They use NetBSD, tell the world.
b) They use NetBSD & are happy to tell the world, tell the world.
Whereas we currently have:
c) They use NetBSD & have told us about it, tell the world.
Does anyone have any serious objection to trying option b), then
if we find we have some number of companies who we feel just have
to be listed, then look at option a).
If people can live with that, then we can concentrate on trying to
get a list of such companies, determining exactly what we should
send to them, and how we can best get the information up on the
NetBSD site...