Subject: IBM and NetBSD (Re: Why people know... )
To: Charles M. Hannum <>
From: Jay Nelson <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 12/08/1999 18:50:48
On Wed, 8 Dec 1999, Charles M. Hannum wrote:

>I'll tell you what the real screws are.
>1) Companies like NCI and IBM, which are actively using NetBSD and
>   quite possibly shipping millions of units running NetBSD, do not in

Can you name IBM names and products. I'd like to know the specifics.
If it has anything to do with the RS/600 or AIX group, I may be able
to kick a small amount sand on their blanket;)

>2) Since we have no commercial backers, ~95% of the funding for things
>   like CD-ROM production and tradeshows has come out of my pocket.

The first link on the NBSD site directed me to Europe. I found no
"official" source. Why not make the first link point to the official
source -- that would help.

Any interest from Sun? There are many inside Sun who would like to
bring back the real SunOS, as opposed to Solaris. There are still many
of us ex-Sun people who are still ticked off that Sun dumped SunOS and
damned us with SystemV.



Thanks -- now I know where to get 1.4.1;) Why is there no link to this
on the web page?

>I'm also talking with other sites about carrying NetBSD-related
>merchandise (including beer glasses).

Press releases are more likely to get the notice desired.

-- Jay