Subject: Re: Which OS would YOU choose?
To: None <>
From: Peter Seebach <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 12/08/1999 10:32:30
In message <>, Charles M. Hannum writes:
>They don't necessarily have to be the ones to say it.  It's not like
>they can retool overnight if someone `spills it'...

Well, for that matter, what would they do?

I have heard, earlier in this thread that IBM is using NetBSD.  What are they
using it in?  I don't see what they can do to stop me or anyone else from
saying "NetBSD is, for instance, the OS of the IBM mega-frotzer 9000."

If someone asks for a citation, I can say "well, they don't talk about it,
but you could always ask them".

Hmm.  BSD license pickiness:  If I talk to an IBM sales rep, and he says the
MF9000 is exceptionally stable, and I ask what OS it runs, can he deny that
it's using NetBSD code?  :)
