Subject: Re: macromedia
To: Miles Nordin <carton@casper.Colorado.EDU>
From: Ethan Bakshy <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 12/04/1999 00:49:29
On Fri, Dec 03, 1999 at 11:29:10PM -0700, Miles Nordin wrote:
> The new page is a lot more complicated in appearance than the old one, but
> it still has all these good points, and it still looks good and works
> great in lynx.  And, it does an amazing job of keeping commonly-used stuff 
yeah. i like the design. im not complaining about its directness and
such-- i love it. its really well organized and such. the front page is
pretty good, it works, and its very convenient. although i still
beleive the rest of the page could benefit from a redesign as well.
still quite plain in my opinion. once again, archetectually, its great.
and i am not saying it should be flashy w/ macromedia crap or
javascript or nasty gif animations or anything- just a bit more than
glorified plaintext.

Not sure how happy Sony would be in terms of supporting the NetBSD
project. I'd imagine they'd want to stay very closed to secure the
design of the PS2. Thats why I really doubt the existence of Linux
_running_on_ the PS2. But if we could, it would be an amazing idea. One
big thing though: 3D Graphics. Are there any well developed MESA/GL ports
or anything to NetBSD? Sound and graphics drivers will also have to be
written, and I'd imagine the sound being a pain in the ass, considering
the PS2 can handle of 64 concurrent voices. But we've got some very
tallented people, and I'm sure they can hack-up something great.

NetBSD would probably serve better as a 'behind the scenes' OS, sort of
like how Wince is on the Dreamcast. I'm sure many developers would love
the fact that they have the source of the OS they're writing the game
for, not some immature, closed, proprietary OS that Sony wrote.

BTW, how is the Dreamcast/SH4 OpenBSD-NetBSD port going? <g>
