Subject: Re: Darwin source! Help Apple promote open source too...
To: None <>
From: Todd Whitesel <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 11/25/1999 03:28:39
> > Darwin Open Source SDK Volume 1, Summer 1999
> This is a CD-ROM, right? Do you know how to mount it?
Turned out to be HFS, so I booted the iMac into MacOS and popped it in.
It contains an installer for Darwin that either populates a hard drive
partition, or wipes a disk and creates two partitions (one 600MB from an
image of a working install, and the other holding the remaining space on
the disk). Pretty slick.
Most of the source is supposed to be on the web, according to the readme.
If anyone wants one, I'll bring my extras to the NetBSD BBQ in Mountain View
next week.
Todd Whitesel
toddpw @