Subject: Re: See NetBSD in Action (well, not yet ;)
To: None <netbsd-advocacy@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Mike Hogsett <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 11/20/1999 12:55:29
In addition to my current mac68k-NetBSD installation I have had 
three other experiences with NetBSD.  

The First time was about 4 years ago.  I installed NetBSD on a MacIIcx.
I knew almost nothing about unix then and only ran NetBSD for a few days.
The machine was still worth something then so I sold it.

The second time I installed it on a Sun 3/140.  I had it diskless 
booting off my desktop Linux box (hogx).  It had no keyboard, mouse,
monitor, or disk, so it was fairly hobbled. (here's the pro NetBSD part)
With NetBSD (and Linux, but it might as well have been NetBSD) I was able
to bring the 3/140 to life.  I had it booting within a few hours time.
I bought this machine at an auction for $1 and sold it for $40.  I 
believe the fact that I had it booting NetBSD helped since I was able 
to verify that it was working.  Plus it was fun to play with for the 
three weeks before I sold it.

The third time I installed NetBSD was when I bought several MacSE and 
MacSE/30's at an action (hey my employer has auctions of surplus 
equipment every 6 months or so, I can't help myself).  From the 
7 machines I bought I was able to bring 3 back to life, 2 SE/30's and 
an SE.  I sold the SE and an SE/30 and held on to the other SE/30.  
I could not help myself.  I had to install NetBSD on the SE/30.  
I really wanted to see X on that little screen.  And in a few
hours that was what I was looking at.

And now I am installing NetBSD on several MacIIci's.  This is the great
advantage of NetBSD.  You can grab almost any box with a CPU inside and
bring up the OS one way or another.

Michael Hogsett