Subject: Re: [ Unix Calender in Germany (Request for
To: Kevin Sullivan <>
From: Greywolf <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 10/04/1999 19:29:33
On Mon, 4 Oct 1999, Kevin Sullivan wrote:

# On Fri, 01 Oct 1999 09:01:27 EDT, Mason Loring Bliss says
# >Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 23:56:06 +0200
# >From: Christoph Kaeder <>
# >To:
# >Subject: Unix Calender in Germany (Request for help)
# >
# >The calendar will include over 100 remarkable days from the
# >History of Unix, Linux, Freeware and Open Source.
# Sending them the dates that each port became operational (wasn't someone
# recently collecting such a list?) would be cool.  It would show Linux
# people the large number of ports we have, and maybe encourage them to try
# one when the Linux port crashes...

Does anyone have such a list of these?  I have a 4.3 daemon shirt that
I'm considering upgrading to 4.4 and putting port dates on the back
for most 4.4 ports, including the date of the official (and final)
UCB/CSRG release.

NetBSD: demonic power.