Subject: Re: Chuck-on-a-card?
To: Greywolf <>
From: Jim Wise <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 10/02/1999 02:56:15
Hash: SHA1

On Fri, 1 Oct 1999, Greywolf wrote:

>I guess I did, too, but it seems to me that they seem to "borrow" code
>from us regularly, whereas we do not seem to import a lot of their
>code.  Whether this is a case of their code sucking rocks (according

Um...  we don't?  The wavelan NIC driver and the NTFS filesystem are
just two things I've seen in the past month or two, as well as larger
chunks of the OS such as... oh... the package system.

This doesn't mean that we haven't made our own improvements to all of
the above since importing them (something particularly noticable in the
package system, IMHO, which has diverged from FreeBSD's ports in much
more than just name), but it's simply not realistic to claim that the
flow of code between NetBSD and FreeBSD is strictly unidirectional (as
has been claimed several times in this thread).  There is a normal give
and take here, with all of the BSDs (and even Linux) benefiting from
improvements developed in each of the others.

As you point out, NIH doesn't help anyone -- there's nothing wrong with
admitting that we're perfectly willing to adopt a good idea that the
other guys have.  After all, we do enough stuff (UVM and bus_space(9)
come immediately to mind) which they should be snatching up (and in many
cases are).

- -- 
				Jim Wise

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