Subject: Re: Chuck-on-a-card?
To: None <>
From: Greg Lehey <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 10/02/1999 10:45:47
On Friday,  1 October 1999 at 13:06:25 -0500, wrote:
> In message <>, Greywolf wri
> tes:
>> I'd love to see a unification of Free/NetBSD, but I think we may have
>> diverged too far for this to happen -- the code base isn't likely to merge
>> very well, and there's the whole pkg thing now.
> Frankly, I'm happy with the non-unified state, but I'd like to see more
> cooperation.
> The fact is, we *do* all benefit from the health of the *BSD community.
> Hell, we all benefit from *Linux*.  (Don't believe me?  Ask me who paid
> for the drivers, signed the NDA's, and leaned on people to get the NDA's
> cancelled, and got me a Neomagic chipset driver in my laptop.  Hint:  They're
> a publically traded Linux vendor.)
> This is about cooperating and playing nice.  :)

My sentiments exactly.

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