Subject: french version of INSTALL notes
To: None <netbsd-advocacy@NetBSD.ORG>
From: sL <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 09/08/1999 18:05:58

Some days ago, I told you that I intended to translate
the INSTALL notes in french. I am now almost done (that
is, a draft version is now written).

I currently did not got my hands on my local admin,
so no ftp download for the present time. Nevertheless, you may
ask me for me to send it to you, I would be glad to have
any comments (typos, errors of translation, wrong typesetting,
plain ugly misunderstandings, violation of copyright/license,

The currently available formats are "dvi" and "ps". I typesetted
it with LaTeX and will look around for translators to others
formats (txt, html) later.

Excuse my's my mother tongue.
Bien sur qu'il court, NetBSD :)