Subject: Re: SETI or RC5
To: None <netbsd-advocacy@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Perry E. Metzger <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 06/30/1999 19:18:08
Simon Burge <simonb@NetBSD.ORG> writes:
> There were rumors going around that SETI only actually had a very
> limited amount of data and that almost everyone was working on the
> same three sets of data or so.  Anyone heard this (or something to the
> contrary)?

No, they're generating hundreds of thousands of work units a day. I
believe their target is to have each unit done by several different
machines, so they're probably more or less on target.

From SETI@HOME "Technical News":

	June 28, 1999


	We now have 750,000 work units on disk. The splitters are running at
	about 140,000 work units per day, a bit slower than our first
	estimate. A third fast splitting machine should come on-line this
	week. We're approaching the disk free-space threshold where the
	garbage collector will kick in and start deleting work units for which
	results have been received, or which have been sent to multiple users.

	The SETI@home server has been moved to a new, faster machine. The 360
	GB of work unit storage, which was previously divided between two
	machines, is now consolidated here. The server was down for a couple
	of hours today while we made these changes.