Subject: Re: 802.4 "wavelan"?? (was: Summary of NetBSD at usenix)
To: None <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 06/23/1999 10:38:37
	It was 802.11 - thanks for picking up on that (fixing webpage
	I'm sorry I don't have any more details - though hopefully someone
	on one of the lists may...

                  -=3D-  Trust is a non-renewable resource  -=3D-

On Wed, 23 Jun 1999 wrote:

> >   * 802.4 wavelan support & vendor documentation
> >     This would be welcomed by many users, but it is very difficult to
> >     get documentation from some vendors. I believe a team in Japan ha=
> >     made significant progress on a driver.
> Uh, someone must have mistyped *something* here (I'm not
> critisizing, but my interest is piqued by this part of the
> report).
> AFAIK, 802.4 defines the "token bus" network, and it doesn't
> really make sense to me that this protocol is done on a radio
> based network.  Maybe you were thinking of 802.11?
> Also, isn't "wavelan" more a specific product name than a generic
> term?  (I'm always thinking of the old AT&T / Lucent / Digital
> hardware when someone says "WaveLAN".)
> Does anyone know which hardware the Japanese team is working
> with?  I would not expect there to be a single driver for all
> 802.11 cards out there any more than I expect a single ethernet
> interface device driver...
> - H=E5vard