Subject: Re: Summary of NetBSD at usenix
To: None <,>
From: Stephen B. Salai <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 06/19/1999 15:58:41
David Brownlee wrote:
>         This is a summary of the feedback received at usenix, both from
>         the 'Birds Of a Feather' session, and the NetBSD exhibition booth.
>         If anyone is interested in helping with any of these issues, please
>         let us know.
>         Please direct general replies to the 'netbsd-advocacy' list.
>         Thanks.
> Issues raised by attendees
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>   * Non profit status
>     People would like to be able to make tax deductable donations back
>     to the project, in particular some of those who have benefitted
>     from using NetBSD based solutions. Some could be quite
>     significant. It would also be good to have an 'online donations' page.

I volunteered to work on this some time ago. 

I got the forms needed to apply, but I need to get together with someone
who can help with information. If someone has started this before, I'd
be glad to pick it up and get it done.


>                 David/absolute
>     -=-  "They're only red from all the thoughts unused inside my head"  -=-