Subject: Re: Good press at Apple...
To: Mason Loring Bliss <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 05/22/1999 09:27:30
Mason Loring Bliss wrote:
] On Fri, May 21, 1999 at 07:22:46PM -0700, Greg Earle wrote:
] > I remember him telling me that a bunch of the people that were working on
] > MacOS X Server kernel support had been sent off to one of Kirk McKusick's
] > classes, and that Kirk was using FreeBSD to teach in the class. Ergo the
] > FreeBSD bent.
] Hm. Okay. I'll happily admit that that's absolutely the best kind of exposure
] for our projects to get. Direct experience / learning is always good. (That's
] why I was able to turn my last office into a NetBSD shop. They took it on
] faith that I knew what I was doing, and then got hooked by the fact that
] everything worked so well. It's not quite the direct involvement of a class
] where you're learning to do something right on that OS, though. *That* is
] a convincing experience.
Ah, so we need to convert Kirk into a NetBSD person. [#-)
Seriously, we do need to produce something like the black bible (and its
sucessor, "Design of 4.4BSD") geared towards NetBSD. Yes, its a moving
target, but so are FreeBSD and Linux, and books are being written about
them as well.
Im sure there is lots of information in the various list archives
describing how certain things work, and or why certain decisions were
made. We just need someone to go through and colate that info, then
document process the result. This would be a pretty good headstone
once combined with a few paragraphs of the design goals.
Hack the Media. Life is an illusion.