Subject: Re: Marketroid nuggets
To: None <>
From: Gandhi woulda smacked you <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 04/23/1999 14:25:46
On Fri, 23 Apr 1999 wrote:

# Functionality, Stability, Price.  NetBSD:  Pick all four.

	** RRIRIIIIIPppppppp! ** [enter daemon with pitchfork in hand]

"NOBODY expects the NetBSD inquisition!  Our chief weapon is Functionality.
Functionality and stability.  Our *two* chief weapons are Functionality
and Stability.  And price.  OUR THREE chief weapons are functionality,
stability, and price, and fanatical portability to many platforms.
AMONG our chief weapons..."

			-- with many thanks to Monty Python.

Humanocentric religions and ways of life have proven to be our undoing.