Subject: Re: netbsd aphorisms / slogans
To: None <>
From: Chris Baird <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 04/22/1999 08:23:04
> I thought that we had already pretty much settled on this one, as
> of a couple of years ago:
>    NetBSD: We Suck Less.

Hey, there's been no mention of the mailing-list classics:

    NetBSD: the second best thing you can get for free.
    NetBSD: it's not free beer, but it's free.

At the local student unix group, Lovelace comparison works well at
winning over disenfranchised Linux fen, who've watched Torvalds decide their battlecry is now "Replace Redmond" rather than
the original "A Free Operating System with Source" or "The Hacker's
OS".  (If it wasn't for Debian..)

Chris Baird,, <>
"NetBSD is full. Go away."