Subject: Re: printing package dependencies.
To: Alistair G. Crooks <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 04/21/1999 09:51:31
In message <>, "Alistair G. Crooks" writes:
>I'm sure I'm missing something here, though. Whenever I install
>packages by building, it builds and installs any pre-requisites
>that aren't already installed.

Yes.  That's what happens to me to.

But, if I run the build on one machine, and the install on another, the
install only installs *install* dependancies, not *build* dependancies - even
though the package may not run without those build dependancies.

>And you can always make binary packages and use pkg_add to install
>them on the target box.

But that doesn't include build-time dependancies either.

Essentially, there's nothing for it except to either:
1.  run 'make install' and read the list of required packages that were
not already installed, then pkg_delete.
2.  read the makefile.

and then install those packages (and anything they require) and try again.
