Subject: Re: core resignations
To: None <>
From: Charles M. Hannum <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 04/20/1999 22:16:38
First of all, you're (not unusually) putting in words in my mouth.  I
do not, and never have, gone around spewing the type of vitriol that
you implicitly attribute to me.

Secondly, the truth of the matter is that, except for exceptional
cases (e.g. certain past statements of Theo's), the exact statements
regarding a particular piece of code are *rarely* relevant.  Even with
the very nicest of words, some people just go off the deep end; and
even Theo's bitter rage didn't scare off many people.  Contributors
have their own neuroses; it is fallacious to blame `core' any time
someone goes berzerk.

Lastly, it is *EXTREMELY* rare for me to dismiss a patch without
stating (usually in substantial detail) why.  It probably hasn't even
happened in the last year.  I do *not* appreciate being accused of
such behavior after going so far out of my way to do exactly the