Subject: Re: Thoughts for NetBSD 1.4 T-shirt
To: David Rankin <>
From: Louis Bertrand <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 04/13/1999 13:20:08
Don't forget Daemon News when you come up with a saleable product. Same
goes for any new releases of the OS itself.
Louis Bertrand, Bowmanville, ON, Canada <>
DaemonNews: you read it here... first <>
On Tue, 13 Apr 1999, David Rankin wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 13, 1999 at 03:53:46PM +0200, Hubert Feyrer wrote:
> > On Tue, 13 Apr 1999, Mason Loring Bliss wrote:
> > > > The image on the front sided will probably run into some copyright
> > > > issues... Something with the Daemon like the "other" (first) NetBSD Shirt
> > > > would be nice.
> > > How so, copyright issues? I'm curious. I thought we owned that image.
> > I don't know who exactly owns the (c) on the image, but the person doing
> > the shirts is definitely someone else, and this needs to be OK'd first.
> > I think.
> states that Shawn Mueller owns
> Copyright on the image. I tried reaching Shawn at the Email address on that
> page, but it bounced back. Can someone send me his current Email address
> privately?
> If I need to go to Kirk McKussick for permissions for the final design, I
> will do so.
> If there's another image that someone would prefer me use, feel free to send
> me a link to it. Or, if you've got an idea that's not yet drawn, draw it.
> (Here's an idea that an intrepid artist could do for this shirt: a band
> of Daemons, each playing their own instrument.) Unfortunately, I can't draw,
> so I'm stuck with other people's drawings, and the NetBSD Daemons happened
> to be the one I thought about first.
> As for a couple of other items: I know I'm missing some of the "experimental"
> ports, but from what I've seen in the NetBSD-1.4_ALPHA, the ports I listed
> are the ones formally releasing in 1.4. Since I'm going on the "Release tour"
> theme, I'd like to stick with released ports.
> I did think about "tour dates", but with our port count, that leads to
> a cluttered shirt. Plus, the only fair date would be the build date for 1.4,
> and if I do this shirt I'd like to get the design to the maker by May 1
> so that it can be to people by May 16. (That's also why I'm using "May 1999".
> No use making the shirt obsolete if the release slips a week... :)
> Thanks,
> David
> --
> David W. Rankin, Jr. Husband, Father, and UNIX Sysadmin.
> Email: Address/Phone Number: Ask me.
> "It is no great thing to be humble when you are brought low; but to be humble
> when you are praised is a great and rare accomplishment." St. Bernard