Subject: Re: any chance we can merge the bezel projects?
To: Todd Whitesel <>
From: Brian Waters <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 12/21/1998 13:04:10
  by with SMTP; 21 Dec 1998 18:05:37 -0000
From: Brian Waters <>
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Re: any chance we can merge the bezel projects?
In-Reply-To: <> from Todd Whitesel at "Dec 19, 98 02:26:48 am"
To: (Todd Whitesel)
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 1998 13:04:10 -0500 (EST)
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> I originally started the "BEZELS HELD HOSTAGE" thing in order to get the
> ball rolling for Soren S. Jorvang's bezel project.

FWIW,  I did post a message more then a month back saying I would be doing
something like this with my bonus check for this year.

> However, Brian Waters of The Binary Bin has also announced a logo contest
> for a commercial run of 1.4 CD's and bezels and stuff, but from what he
> said earlier it sounds like they don't plan to use the Beastie design.

While I will be using The Binary Bin name for this,  as it sounds better and
more professional then just using mine,  this will be being funded from my
personal funds.  So I am looking for all the help I can get to make this
a success. I would like to see a different logo then the Deamon.
Part of the inspiration for the contest is from the open source logo
contest ( ).  One of the questions they ask is
would this logo look out of place on business letter head.  I think the Deamon
fails this test. I took a look at bsdi's pages and it looks like they do not
use it. I also think it is being  branded more with FreeBSD and that NetBSD
should create a unique logo.

> really prefer to have commercially available Bezels that _do_ use the
> Beastie design. (Plus it ensures that I cannot end up being roped into
> Folks, is there any chance we can work something out here? I hope we aren't
> just scared of Kirk's legal paranoia or anything. I'm betting we can get
> around it somehow, especially since we are using the design as intended.

That being said,  I am willing to try a design that combines a new logo with
the beastie for some designs if it does not add to the cost.  how about helping
helping to get word out about the contest.   Then when a winner is picked we
try and create two or three bezel designs at least one with the Beastie and 
run a voting both script for them?