Subject: RE: Some ideas for advocacy
To: (Brian de Alwis OTT) <>
From: Tim Rightnour <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 09/15/1998 17:26:05
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Date: Tue, 15 Sep 1998 17:26:05 -0700 (MST)
From: Tim Rightnour <>
To: (Brian de Alwis OTT) <>
Subject: RE: Some ideas for advocacy
Cc: (netbsd-advocacy) <netbsd-advocacy@NetBSD.ORG>

On 15-Sep-98 Brian de Alwis OTT spoke unto us all:
#  The gimp contest works because the participants are gimp fanatics. But as 
#  many of the gimpers seem to be heavily biased towards Linux, I don't think 
#  we'll get nearly enough participation.

No.. but alot of those people are just doing it for the fun of the art.  The
fact that thier name might be associated with the logo on our front page might
be enough to get us some participants.  I even suspect some of them might be
sick of drawing penguins.. ;)

I'm not looking to draw users off linux with this.. but

a)  It will cause curiosity, and people will wander over to see what we do.
b)  It will generate some awareness, especially since we can run gimp on just
        about all of our architectures.
c)  We just might get some cool artwork out of it.  We dont have to agree that
"the winner is our logo forever"..  But we might see something we like, and we
might be able to use some on "fan" pages and maybe as little "spice it up"
graphics on some of our pages..  Either way.. gets a *ton* of
traffic.. we can use this as an opportunity to "cash in" on that.

Tim Rightnour    -