Subject: Re: IIsi MacBSD Questions
To: Jim Rhoades <>
From: Allen Briggs <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 12/21/1995 22:59:51
Hmm.. The fact that you found this address instead of the new one leads
me to believe that you've got some real old info. Can you tell me where
you found it?
This mailing list has moved to ''.
The IIsi's keyboard is working in NetBSD 1.1. You can
find more up-to-date info on and
5MB of RAM is not much at all--you'll be swapping almost as
soon as you get the system booted. You'll be able to use
the system, but the disk will be running constantly, and
everything will be rather slow.
Allen Briggs - end killing - ** MacBSD == NetBSD/mac68k **
Where does all my time go? <a href="">Guess.</a>