Subject: Re: X11R6 before and after shared libraries
To: Ken Nakata <>
From: Tim Barthel <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 07/31/1995 15:50:44
Ken Nakata writes:
 > > I just started up the old X dist that does not use share libraries (yes I'm
 > > still using a 1.0 generic kernel). I have a MacIIci and the performance is
 > > really not useable. It takes a number of seconds just to echo keystrokes. Can
 > > anyone tell me if the performance is improved in the new X dist? Thanks.
 > [I must have overlooked your mail... sorry but I didn't ignore you]
 > The new X works fine on my SE/30.  I am using it right now as I'm writing
 > this.  It doesn't take seconds to echo keystrokes... which makes me
 > wonder:  Did you set your color depth *1-bit*?  I'm not sure if X works
 > with color depth more than 1-bit at all, but if it does, it must be...

Are you talking about setting the bit depth from within X? If so, please tell
me how you set the bit depth? BTW, twm cores as soon as I start X. I didn't
think that would make any difference to performance but maybe it does. I do
have 8 MB of RAM. Thanks.

Tim B.

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