Subject: Re: How to get a IIvx running BSD?
To: Thomas Bj|rn Andersen <>
From: Allen Briggs <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 07/04/1995 23:16:49
> I'd like to install NetBSD on my IIvx, on a SyQuest 3.5" 270MB drive.
> I tried using NetBSD 1.0, from my local InfoMac Mirror site, but
> booting via the serial port only got me as far as about 13 grey bars
> on my main monitor.
The IIvx, with internal video, is still in the "not working" category.
I'm working on this at the moment, so if you can lurk a bit on this
newsgroup, you might see a kernel with it working (or at least limping)
mentioned here, soon.
Allen Briggs - end killing - ** MacBSD == NetBSD/mac68k **