Subject: Re: back to the NetBSD
To: Allen Briggs <>
From: Brad Salai <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 05/02/1995 16:26:58
>> Is there anything new for Mac BSD?
>Sure... Not much visible, though.
Is there a new kernal that might work with 2 monitors on a MacII ?
I have X Window running (was pretty easy in retrospect, though you might
consider alerting people about the missing library problem ahead of time so
as to avoid everyone having to look through old postings to find the answer
to the problem.) Having a little more screen real estate would be
wonderful. I'm using a toby frame buffer card (works fine) and a full page
one bit external monitor (the kernal wont boot with it installed.)The old
kernals used to boot ok with both cards in place, but the latest one (which
is the first one that I got running, does not. I believe it is the April 8
I am still hopelessly confused about the Mode 32 problem. For some reason,
the problem has changed for me. I still have to boot with extensions
disabled or the boot hangs just after the swapping ?????? fffffff (or
something like that, I'm not at home where the machine is) If the boot
sequence now correctly reports that I have only 8 meg of memory, 5 free,
but if I am running in 32 bit mode, I don't know how. If I take all
extensions and control panels out and leave only mode 32, I cannot boot. I
seem to run ok with 8 meg, in 24 bit mode (?) but more memory would be
nice, its there after all :)
Keep up the good work.
Stephen B. "Brad" Salai
Cumpston & Shaw Office (716) 325-5553
Two State Street Home (716) 377-4624
Rochester, NY 14614