Subject: Re: Three Button Mouse Suggestions?
To: None <macbsd-general@NetBSD.ORG>
From: David C. Myers <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 04/23/1995 09:48:45
> Now that I've got the Micron Xceed Color 30 card in my SE/30
>working, I'm more interested in finding a three button mouse. Can
>anyone recommend one for use with X11 under NetBSD/mac68k? I tried a
>Logitech MouseMan, but it didn't work correctly. The Animas mouse Brad
>Grantham once suggested is no longer available.
Thumbs down on the Microspeed three-button mouse, too. Too bad; it was
only $49.95. I tried to use it as a regular Mac mouse too, but it had a
*horrible* control panel interface, and conflicted with any other
mouse-like device on the ADB bus.
David C. Myers