Subject: NetBSD on MacIIx and fx
To: None <macbsd-general@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Konstantin Olchanski <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 04/08/1995 17:09:44
I have two questions:

1. what is the story about MacBSD support for MacIIfx?

2. what is the story about ethernet support on MacIIx?

This is what I am trying to do:

the kernel from netBSD-1.0 boots on a borrowed macIIx
	(it's owner was really happy to get my macIIfx
	in exchange :-) but I cannot get the eithernet
	network to function: about 10 seconds after I type
	root> ifconfig ae0
	I see the message (approximately) "ethernet ring buffer overflow"
	and the machine freezes.

I tried to boot newer kernels (from NetBSD-current and from
	but neither of them boot- they hang after complaining about
	my graphics card. I can give more details if anybody wants them.
