Subject: Re: Mach for power PC
To: None <macbsd-general@NetBSD.ORG,>
From: Peter Brewer <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 02/21/1995 18:11:16
There's another one for Brad. It sounds like they are implementing something
like the HURD project ( by Michael I. Bushnell) at FSF. Using Mach 3.x as
the base kernel and then implementing Unix 'emulators' (there's that *word*
again) for it. It would seem like a good idea to tie MIB, Dr. Qiang Li,
and Allen together for a 'talk'. Problems are that Stallman still hates
Apple even though the boycott has dropped. Perhaps once HURD is released
then interest with increase. 

You still have to have a MacOS 'emulator' as well. NO mention is made 
about efforts in that area. 

-- peter